Our Beliefs


1.  We believe all Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, was given by inspiration of God as the inspired writers  were  animated  by the Holy Spirit to write the very words  of God, and that these Scriptures are the supreme rule of faith and practice (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20-21).

2. We believe in one God who is timeless in His existence, Triune in His manifestation, being Father, Son and Holy Spirit and He is supreme in authority over all things (1 Tim 3:16; Matt 28:19; Jn.1:1, 14:1, Jn.5:7).

3. We believe in the Father who is God himself, Creator of the universe (Gen 1:1; Jn 1:1).

4. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, conceived of the Holy Spirit,  born  of the virgin Mary, very God and very man (Lk 1:26-35; Jn.1:1, 14,18; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6).

5. We believe in the Holy Spirit who is God indwelling, empowering and  regenerating the believer (Jn 14:17, 14:26).

6. We believe Christ our savior died for  our sins, was buried and rose again the third day according to scriptures, and appeared to his disciples (1 Car 15:1-8, Acts 10:39- 41).

7. We believe that every Christian must have an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are to assemble ourselves together and instruct, exhort, love and admonish believers in harmony with the Word of God (Acts 2:42-47; Heb 13:5-6)

8. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God. It is the book that supplies all answers to life's questions (2 Tim 3:16; Jn 2:5).

9. We believe that we are to  renew  and cleanse our minds daily by  reading  the Word of God. We exchange our way of thinking for his (Isaiah 55:6-10; Rom 12:1-2; Eph. 4:23-29).

10. We believe in justification by Faith. Man cannot work for salvation. It is free and a result of God's sovereign grace (Gal 5:5; Rom 5:1; Eph 2:8).

11. We believe that believers should be water baptized by immersion "in the name of Jesus" for the circumcision of the heart. It is through baptism that we publicly identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Rom 6:3-6; Col 2:11-14; Acts 2:38; Acts 19:5: Matt 28-19).

12. We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father for  the Empowering of the Christian and its accompanying gifts and fruits. Christians should desire to be filled daily by using our prayer language, but the evidence of the Holy Spirit's indwelling presence is a changed life (Acts 2:1-4; 8:14-17; 10:44-46; Gal 3:14: Eph 5:18-21; 1 Cor 12:1-11).

13. We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, and a part of Zion (the totality  of God's Kingdom) and that Christ gave to the Church apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers (Heb 12:18-24; Eph 4:11-13).

14. We  believe in miracles,  divine healing and deliverance   (spiritually/holistically). We have authority over sickness and disease! (Mk 16:15-20; Acts 5:12-16; Heb 13:8).

15. We believe in and are committed to a scriptural standard of worship and praise as we understand it to be in the Word of God. We lift our hands, sing and dance as a sign of victory! Worship and praise is a weapon against Satan and demonic beings and is God's command for every Christian (Ps.150: 1-6: 2 Chr 20:14-25; Lk 19:33-38).

16. We believe in the resurrection of the dead, eternal judgment, and life everlasting (Jn 3:16, 5:24-27: Mk 9:43-48; Rev 20:11-15).

17. We believe in God's financial institution for the church, which is based on tithes and offerings (Mal 3:7-10: Num 18:10-21: Ex 44:30: 2 Chr 31:4, 11-112; Matt 23:23: 1 Cor 9:7-14; 1 Tim 5:17-18).

Final Statement

These are some of the  fundamentals teachings  of New Birth. Unfortunately, since Jesus' death, Christians have always argued and disputed over doctrinal issues. Diversity in doctrine will exist until the master teacher returns to correct all errors. Our purpose is not to participate in endless doctrinal disputes, but to  be a ray of hope to the heavy-hearted, provide healing for the hurt, and give refreshment to regenerated souls. God Bless You!